❖ News
Date | Content | Department |
2025-02-12 | Registrar's Division | |
2025-02-12 | System consultation | Registrar's Division |
2025-02-08 | (1)The result of preferred courses registration for computer-selected enrollment during 2nd Stage of (2)In case of a class scheduling conflict, students shall drop conflicting courses in the following stage of course enrollment. | Registrar's Division |
2025-02-04 | 普通物理實驗重要通知 | Registrar's Division |
2025-02-04 | 師培中心公告 依據國立成功大學教育學程修習辦法第九條 師資生每學期修習教育專業課程不得超過8學分,如該學期修習3學分課程者得以9學分為上限。 師資生如已修畢主修系所畢業應修學分數或已屆畢業修業年限,經本師培中心審核同意後始得以專案方式增加 2 至 4 學分,惟申請應以 1 學期為限且仍應符合本校學則每學期應修學分數規定及教育學程修業期程之規定。 | Registrar's Division |
2025-01-24 | 台灣AI聯盟(TAICA) 113學年第2學期課程資訊: 113學年第2學期聯盟開課資訊公告(含成績評量方式及課程要求) 113學年第2學期修課注意事項
| Curriculum Division |
2025-01-18 | (1)The result of preferred courses registration for computer-selected enrollment during 1st Stage of Course Enrollment will be transferred into “My Course Schedule” at 16:30 on January 18. (2)In case of a class scheduling conflict, students shall drop conflicting courses in the following stage of course enrolment. (3)Instructions on Second Registration for Preferred GE Courses for Computer-Selected Enrollment at 9:00 to 17:00, January 22. | Registrar's Division |
2025-01-13 | Curriculum Division | |
2025-01-22 | Curriculum Division | |
2025-01-15 | Curriculum Division | |
2025-01-15 | Curriculum Division |
❖ Announcement
(a) Announcement of Course Enrollment (Revised on December 9 2024, Updated on January 16 2025 )
Online application for course addition for students
(b) Information of Course Enrollment
(c) NCKU Rules of Computer-selected Course Enrollment
(d) Exploring Tainan
(e) FAQs for Course Enrollment
(f) Service Courses Recommanded
(g) Taking Course Over 25 Credits notice
(h) General Course Enrollment Guideline
(j) Quick Overview of all Courses
(l) Non Current Course Catalog
❖ News
Date | Content | Department |
2025-02-12 | Registrar's Division | |
2025-02-12 | System consultation | Registrar's Division |
2025-02-08 | (1)The result of preferred courses registration for computer-selected enrollment during 2nd Stage of (2)In case of a class scheduling conflict, students shall drop conflicting courses in the following stage of course enrollment. | Registrar's Division |
2025-02-04 | 普通物理實驗重要通知 | Registrar's Division |
2025-02-04 | 師培中心公告 依據國立成功大學教育學程修習辦法第九條 師資生每學期修習教育專業課程不得超過8學分,如該學期修習3學分課程者得以9學分為上限。 師資生如已修畢主修系所畢業應修學分數或已屆畢業修業年限,經本師培中心審核同意後始得以專案方式增加 2 至 4 學分,惟申請應以 1 學期為限且仍應符合本校學則每學期應修學分數規定及教育學程修業期程之規定。 | Registrar's Division |
2025-01-24 | 台灣AI聯盟(TAICA) 113學年第2學期課程資訊: 113學年第2學期聯盟開課資訊公告(含成績評量方式及課程要求) 113學年第2學期修課注意事項
| Curriculum Division |
2025-01-18 | (1)The result of preferred courses registration for computer-selected enrollment during 1st Stage of Course Enrollment will be transferred into “My Course Schedule” at 16:30 on January 18. (2)In case of a class scheduling conflict, students shall drop conflicting courses in the following stage of course enrolment. (3)Instructions on Second Registration for Preferred GE Courses for Computer-Selected Enrollment at 9:00 to 17:00, January 22. | Registrar's Division |
2025-01-13 | Curriculum Division | |
2025-01-22 | Curriculum Division | |
2025-01-15 | Curriculum Division | |
2025-01-15 | Curriculum Division |
❖ Notices
- For time and perid of course table please click the relevant information.
- To safeguard your rights to course enrollment, please log in the system before the 1st Stage of Course Enrollment to confirm your password. If you fail to log into the system, please call us at +886-6-2757575 ext. 61010 or 61045 during office hours.
- In consideration of fairness and network congestion, please do not open multi-windows on your computer when you register for courses during the online course enrollment period to secure your rights to course enrollment.
- Please do not use any plug-in to process your course enrollment, as it may interrupt normal operation of the online enrollment system. If you do use a plug-in, your IP address will be blocked and you will be held solely responsible for any resulting losses. Students are advised to avoid interfering with the computer of another person or infringing upon the rights and interests of the public or another person through the use of computer programs.
- Those who drop any enrolled course ( 棄選 , defined and noted as dropping a course) before the end of 3rd stage of Course Enrollment are not required to pay for its credit fees.
A fterwards, students who withdraw from any course ( 退選 , defined and noted as a course withdrawal) are required to pay for its credit fees.
A dropped course will not be noted on the academic transcript. - Please observe Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), use authentic textbooks (new or used) for your classes. Do not photocopy any books or teaching materials without authorization, which may infringe upon the copyrights of the author.